Monday, June 18, 2012

cendrawasih-bird of heaven

Bird of Paradise is a family member of the order Passeriformes Paradisaeidae. They are found in eastern Indonesia, Torres Strait Islands, Papua New Guinea, and eastern Australia. Size of Paradise birds of paradise from the King at 50 grams and 15 cm up to half-crescent of Paradise Black Paradise at 110 cm and Manukod crested rolling on 430-gram.

Paradise or paradisoaeidae apoda, minor, cicinnurus regius, and seleudicis melanoleuca is a typical bird of Papua Province. Of the 43 species of bird paradise, 35 of which can be found in Papua.

The specificity of this bird found on the beautiful feathers. And beautiful hair is only held by male birds of paradise alone. Well, generally the colors are very bright plumage with the combinations of black, brown, red, orange, yellow, white, blue, green and purple.

These birds usually live in dense forests or in the lowlands. He has a habit of playing in the morning when the sun began to show light on the eastern horizon.

Cendrawasih male wearing a charming neck feathers to attract the opposite sex. Very fascinating dance of male paradise. While singing on a limb, this stud wobbling in different directions. Sometimes even hanging upside down resting on the limb.

By people in Papua, birds of paradise was believed to be the incarnation of the legs or Apoda angel, a beautiful bird but did not legged, as they walk or just perched on a branch only.

Bird of Paradise was first population is pretty much in the forests of Papua, but as it continues to be hunted, ultimately this bird populations declined sharply and increasingly difficult to find. Not only hunted, but also more narrow breeding habitat for many forest logging.

if not preserved and maintained, could be discharged after a long time this bird paradise in Indonesia!


  1. bird of paradise, the exotica from papua

  2. We need info of population of cendrawasih
