Saturday, June 23, 2012


Sri Gethuk waterfall is located in Menggoran adjacent to tourist sites designed Kencono cave, the Cave of the design direction of Kencono heading westwards as far as 750 feet, en route to the waterfall can walk or ride two-wheeled vehicles as well as both four.

 Sri Gethuk waterfall waterfall known as Slempret because the location of the waterfall is located at the site Slempret block, the place is very beautiful because of the waterfall is flanked by cliffs, the cliffs are very high even with a height of up to 50 m with a very romantic atmosphere because the area is an area of ​​rice fields throughout the years never experienced drought and even throughout the year there is always verdant rice plants alternating with hilly topography with lots of palm trees grow, so the wind will greatly adorn bertip waving palm leaves waving in addition, it is a location where it is very fertile because of the support springs with 3 large enough al.

Poh dong springs, Ngandong and Ngumbul with average - average discharge 30 s / d 60 l / sec, so in that location as in the canyon, even when being there as we are out of Gunungkidul as if we were in Bali with Subak.

To reach the water attractions terjunya can walk through the rice field path is very cool because it can be as adventurous as far as 450 m and then down the stairs 96 steps, but for tourists who do not want to sweat out any traditional boat facilities / gethek to travel towards the waterfall while along the beautiful cliffs slempret that has a height of 50 meters on either side of the trip we got to the location of the waterfall.

According to legend slempret name is actually derived from the word trumpet is a wind instrument which purportedly bhawa story that location is a central place or genies / spirits that can not be seen with the naked eye or can be said that the place is a place very haunted by the djinn leader's name is jin Anggo Menduro. Jin is a genie who loved the variety of art, it can be proved that in place at the time - a certain time or the sound will be called the sound pandulon Java language is that at the hearing on the location and surrounding padukuhan Menggoran voice came from tetpai waterfall location if it approached the sound will be lost, the voice is the voice dramben with a very dominant voice is the sound of trumpet the place is known as a title or later at the trumpet call of the famous Slempret then up to the present location with waterfalls Slempret because the water was on the scene Slempret area.

But the waterfall is actually named water Sri Gethuk waterfall.

As the story at the beginning of that place was a center of the genie in it as a pimpnannya is Anga manduro Jin jin very happy with all the arts that include Dramben and Gamelan, in particular when this place is also often heard or the sound of gamelan sura kerawitan but if the approach is also no noise or called to voice only pandulon gamelan, Gamelan The legend can also be borrowed by people who have more capabilities and can also be utilized for regular gamelan tabuan should be invisible to the eye,

In the legend on the existing tourist sites Slempret be some place to store the gamelan's Anggo mergangsan Menduro among locations and also srigethuk, Mergangsan is next to the location where the river Oyo called Mergangsan as in use as a place to store Gongso or Gamelan, and Sri kethuk waterfall located at the place called Sri kethuk as used by Jin Anggo Menduro as a storage area with one of the gamelan instruments Kethuk name. Until now, the name became Sri Gethuk.

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