Sanur beach standing in 1932, founded by Jean Adrean Majeor The Mark pres. At first Jean Adrean Majeor The Markpres sailing in Indonesia, he had stopped at the island of Bali. At that time Adrean jean Majeor The markpres met a girl named Nyi Nyoman Polok, she was only 15 years old. He was just 15 years old. Then they were in a relationship and then they got married. In 1958 Adrean jean Majeor The Markpres died in 1985 and Nyi Nyoman Polok also died.
Famous Sanur beach with the sun rising. According to the Sanur beach is a sacred place and Nyi Roro Kidul akirnya Sanur Beach became one of the attractions on the island of Bali is famous in the world. Sanur beach is also famous for its white sand that can eliminate the rheumatic diseases.